
Understanding Testosterone Troches: A Detailed Guide

Written by: Jack Health Team
Reviewed by: Sarah Bento-De Sousa PharmD. RPh

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has evolved significantly over the years, offering various methods to address the challenges of low testosterone levels in men. Among these, testosterone troches represent a distinctive and innovative approach, combining convenience with efficacy. 

This detailed guide aims to illuminate the nuances of testosterone troches, providing essential insights into their function, benefits, administration, and how they compare to other TRT forms. 

Whether you’re considering starting TRT or looking to switch from another treatment method like testosterone pellets, understanding the role of testosterone troches can empower you to make informed decisions about your health and wellness journey. 

By delving into their mechanism of action, efficacy, potential side effects, and guidelines for use, this comprehensive overview serves as an invaluable resource for individuals and healthcare providers alike, navigating the path towards optimized testosterone levels and improved quality of life.

What are Testosterone Troches?

Testosterone troches are a unique form of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) that delivers the hormone directly into the bloodstream through mucosal absorption in the mouth. These small, dissolvable lozenges offer a convenient and effective way to manage testosterone deficiency, also known as hypogonadism.

Testosterone Troches in the Landscape of TRT

Testosterone replacement therapy is a widely used treatment for men with low testosterone levels (here are things to know about low testosterone for males in their 20s), which can lead to various symptoms such as decreased libido, muscle loss, fatigue, and mood changes. While injections, gels, and patches have been the traditional methods of TRT, testosterone troches have emerged as a promising alternative, offering a non-invasive and user-friendly approach.

How Do Testosterone Troches Function?

Testosterone troches are a form of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) designed to treat symptoms of low testosterone levels in men. These small, lozenge-like tablets are placed in the mouth, usually between the gum and cheek or under the tongue, and allowed to dissolve. This method of delivery is known as buccal administration. The following sections detail how testosterone troches function, their mechanism and absorption, and their efficacy compared to other forms of TRT.

Mechanism and Absorption of Troches

Testosterone troches work through a process of buccal absorption. When the troche is placed in the mouth, the testosterone is gradually absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes lining the mouth. 

This method bypasses the digestive system and liver, which means the testosterone does not undergo first-pass metabolism. This can result in more testosterone entering the circulation in its active form compared to oral testosterone pills that are metabolized in the stomach and liver.

The absorption rate and effectiveness of testosterone troches can be influenced by various factors, including the specific formulation of the troche, the individual’s saliva production, and the presence of food or drink residues in the mouth. It’s recommended to place the troche in different locations within the mouth with each administration to prevent any potential irritation to the mucous membranes.

Efficacy Compared to Other TRT Forms

Testosterone troches offer several advantages over other forms of TRT, such as injections, patches, gels, and oral tablets. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Direct Absorption: By bypassing the liver, troches reduce the risk of liver toxicity, a concern with oral testosterone pills.
  • Convenience: Troches are easy to use and do not require the preparation and administration associated with injections. They are more discreet than patches or gels, which must be applied to the skin.
  • Control over Blood Levels: The buccal administration allows for a more gradual absorption of testosterone, which can help maintain more stable testosterone levels throughout the day compared to the peaks and troughs often associated with injections.


However, testosterone troches may also have disadvantages. The efficacy can vary between individuals due to differences in mucosal absorption. Some users may find the method of administration less preferable due to discomfort or irritation in the mouth. Moreover, consistent and correct placement of the troche is necessary to ensure optimal absorption, which may be inconvenient for some users.

In comparison to other forms of TRT, troches offer a balance between convenience and efficacy. While injections may provide a more controlled dosage and faster results for some, troches offer a less invasive and liver-friendly option. The choice between TRT forms ultimately depends on individual preferences, medical advice, and specific health considerations.

Benefits of Opting for Testosterone Troches

Testosterone troches have gained popularity as an alternative form of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) due to their unique advantages and the specific benefits they offer for certain conditions. This section will explore the benefits of opting for testosterone troches over traditional TRT methods and their unique advantages for individuals with specific health considerations. Here, we discussed the general benefits of TRT for low testosterone.

Advantages Over Traditional TRT Methods

Testosterone troches provide several key advantages compared to traditional TRT methods such as injections, gels, patches, and oral tablets:

  • Improved Convenience and Compliance: Troches are simple to use, requiring only that the user places the troche in the mouth until it dissolves. This method can be more convenient and less invasive than injections, which require needles and can be associated with pain or discomfort. Troches also avoid the messiness or skin irritation risks associated with topical gels and patches.
  • Bypasses Liver Metabolism: Unlike oral testosterone tablets that are metabolized in the liver, troches are absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes in the mouth. This direct absorption reduces the risk of liver toxicity and ensures more testosterone is available in its active form.
  • Controlled Absorption: Troches allow for a gradual release and absorption of testosterone, promoting more stable blood testosterone levels throughout the day. This contrasts with the potential for fluctuating hormone levels seen with other methods, such as the peaks and troughs often associated with testosterone injections.
  • Discretion: Testosterone troches offer a discreet option for TRT, as they do not require visible patches on the skin or the storage and disposal of needles and syringes. This can be particularly appealing for individuals concerned about privacy.

Considering the Side Effects

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), including the use of testosterone troches, can be a highly effective treatment for men with low testosterone levels, offering numerous benefits. 

However, as with any medical treatment, it’s important to consider potential side effects. Understanding the common and uncommon adverse effects and long-term health considerations is crucial for anyone considering this form of therapy.

Common and Uncommon Adverse Effects

Common Side Effects associated with testosterone troches primarily relate to the method of administration and the hormonal changes induced by testosterone. These may include:

  • Irritation or discomfort in the mouth: Since troches are designed to dissolve slowly in the mouth, some users may experience irritation, discomfort, or changes in taste sensation.
  • Gum or dental problems: Regular use of troches can potentially lead to gum disease or dental issues due to prolonged exposure of the oral tissues to the medication.
  • Increased red blood cell count (polycythemia): Testosterone therapy can stimulate the production of red blood cells, potentially leading to an excessively high count, which can increase the risk of clotting, heart attack, and stroke.
  • Skin reactions: Although troches are less common than topical applications, some users might still experience acne or oily skin.
  • Mood swings or changes: Testosterone can influence mood, potentially leading to increased irritability, mood swings, or changes in emotional well-being.


Uncommon Side Effects can vary widely among individuals and may include:

  • Sleep apnea exacerbation: Testosterone therapy can worsen pre-existing sleep apnea in some individuals.
  • Fluid retention: Some men may experience edema or fluid retention, particularly in the ankles and feet.
  • Breast enlargement (gynecomastia): Testosterone can sometimes be converted into estrogen in the body, leading to breast tissue growth in men.
  • Changes in cholesterol levels: Alterations in lipid profiles, including increases in LDL (bad) cholesterol and decreases in HDL (good) cholesterol, can occur.

Usage and Administration

Testosterone troches offer a unique and convenient option for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), but like any medication, their safe and effective use depends on adhering to proper administration guidelines and understanding the importance of dosage adjustments and compliance. This section outlines key considerations to ensure that patients derive the maximum benefit from testosterone troches while minimizing potential risks.

Guidelines for Safe and Effective Use

Proper Placement: Testosterone troches should be placed in the mouth, either between the gum and cheek or under the tongue, and allowed to dissolve slowly. This method ensures maximum absorption directly into the bloodstream through the mucous membranes. To prevent irritation, it’s recommended to alternate the sides of the mouth with each dose.

Timing: Consistency in the timing of doses can help maintain stable testosterone levels throughout the day. Follow your healthcare provider’s instructions regarding the best time of day to use the troche, considering factors like meals, sleep, and daily routines.

Oral Hygiene: Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential when using testosterone troches. Brush your teeth twice daily and consider rinsing your mouth with water after the troche has dissolved to reduce the risk of dental problems or gum irritation.

Avoid Eating or Drinking: To ensure the best absorption, avoid eating or drinking immediately before and after using the troche. Typically, waiting about 15-30 minutes after the troche has fully dissolved before consuming food or drinks is advised.

Storage: Store testosterone troches in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and out of reach of children and pets. Proper storage ensures the medication’s effectiveness and safety.

Dosage Adjustments and Compliance

Initial Dosage and Monitoring: The starting dose of testosterone troches can vary based on individual factors such as age, baseline testosterone levels, and the presence of symptoms. Regular monitoring through blood tests is crucial to assess how well the body absorbs the testosterone and adjust the dose accordingly.

Adjusting Dosage: Your healthcare provider may adjust your dose based on blood test results and symptom management. Dosage adjustments are made to achieve optimal testosterone levels while minimizing side effects. It’s important to follow these adjustments closely and not to change your dose without consulting your healthcare provider.

Compliance: Consistent use of testosterone troches as prescribed is key to achieving the desired therapeutic effects. Skipping doses or irregular use can lead to fluctuations in testosterone levels, which may affect mood, energy levels, and overall effectiveness of the treatment.

Communication with Healthcare Provider: Keep an open line of communication with your healthcare provider about any side effects, concerns, or changes in symptoms. Honest and regular feedback on your experience with testosterone troches helps tailor the treatment to your needs.

By following these guidelines for safe and effective use and understanding the importance of dosage adjustments and compliance, patients can maximize the benefits of testosterone troches in managing symptoms of low testosterone. Regular follow-ups with a healthcare provider ensure that the therapy remains effective and that any potential risks are managed appropriately.

Testosterone Troches Vs. Other TRT Forms

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) offers several options for addressing low testosterone levels, each with its own set of benefits, drawbacks, and considerations. Among these options are testosterone troches, gels, injections, and patches. Understanding the differences between these forms is crucial for patients and healthcare providers to personalize treatment and choose the option that best aligns with the individual’s lifestyle, preferences, and health considerations.

Comparative Analysis with Gels, Injections, and Patches
Testosterone Troches:
  • Administration: Buccal; placed between the gum and cheek or under the tongue.
  • Absorption: Directly through the oral mucosa, bypassing the liver, which may reduce the risk of liver toxicity.
  • Convenience: High; easy to use without the need for needles or skin application.
  • Stability: Provides steady absorption, potentially leading to stable testosterone levels throughout the day.
  • Considerations: May cause irritation in the mouth or dental issues; requires adherence to proper placement and timing.
Testosterone Gels:
  • Administration: Topical; applied to the skin.
  • Absorption: Through the skin, directly into the bloodstream.
  • Convenience: High; easy to apply, but requires drying time and precautions to avoid transfer to others.
  • Stability: Can maintain stable levels with consistent daily application.
  • Considerations: Risk of skin irritation, transfer to family members or partners, and requires careful application site rotation.
Testosterone Injections:
  • Administration: Intramuscular or subcutaneous.
  • Absorption: Directly into the bloodstream.
  • Convenience: Lower; requires needles and may involve visiting a healthcare facility for administration.
  • Stability: Can lead to peaks and troughs in hormone levels, depending on the formulation (short-acting vs. long-acting).
  • Considerations: Potential pain or discomfort at the injection site, requires strict adherence to injection schedule to maintain levels.
Testosterone Patches:
  • Administration: Transdermal; applied to the skin.
  • Absorption: Through the skin, directly into the bloodstream.
  • Convenience: Moderate; daily application required.
  • Stability: Designed to provide a consistent release of testosterone, mimicking natural diurnal rhythms.
  • Considerations: Risk of skin irritation at the application site, needs to be applied to different areas to prevent skin problems.

Key Takeaways

  • Testosterone troches are a convenient and effective form of testosterone replacement therapy that delivers the hormone directly into the bloodstream through mucosal absorption in the mouth.
  • Troches offer a gradual and consistent release of testosterone, providing a more stable hormonal environment compared to injections or gels.
  • Benefits of testosterone troches include improved absorption, non-invasive administration, and potential advantages for specific conditions like andropause or hypogonadism.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Quickly Can Results Be Seen with Testosterone Troches?

The time it takes to experience the benefits of testosterone troches can vary from individual to individual. Generally, some improvements in symptoms, such as increased energy levels or libido, may be noticed within a few weeks of starting treatment. However, more significant changes, such as muscle mass gain or fat loss, may take several months to become apparent.

Who is the Ideal Candidate for Testosterone Troches?

Testosterone troches are best suited for men experiencing low testosterone levels due to conditions like hypogonadism, age-related decline, or health issues such as obesity and diabetes. They are also a good option for those looking for a non-invasive and convenient form of testosterone replacement therapy.

Managing Long-Term Therapy: What Should Users Know?

For long-term management of testosterone troche therapy, it’s important to have regular check-ups with a healthcare provider. This includes periodic blood tests to adjust the dosage, monitoring for any side effects, evaluating the therapy’s impact on overall health, and discussing the duration of therapy and the possibility of cycling or using the treatment intermittently.

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