
TRT or Testosterone Replacement Therapy Benefits 

Written by: Jack Health Team
Reviewed by: Sarah Bento-De Sousa PharmD. RPh

Male Hormone Therapy Benefits

Male hormone therapy offers a beacon of hope for men grappling with the challenges of low hormone levels. This innovative treatment aims to restore the balance of crucial hormones, improving a wide array of symptoms that can affect everything from mood to muscle mass. 

By elevating testosterone levels to their optimal range, MHT can enhance quality of life, boost sexual function, increase energy levels, and promote overall physical and mental well-being. For those struggling with the effects of hormone deficiency, understanding the benefits of MHT could be the first step towards a revitalized life.

What is Male Hormone Therapy

Male hormone therapy is a treatment designed to restore and balance hormone levels in men who are experiencing symptoms of hormone deficiency. This therapy aims to improve health, well-being, and quality of life by addressing issues like low energy, depression, decreased sex drive, and erectile dysfunction.

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How Does TRT Work?

Male hormone therapy operates on a straightforward yet impactful principle: it supplements the body’s natural hormone levels when they fall below the normal range. This treatment involves the administration of hormones through various methods, including injections, gels, patches, or tablets, to restore hormonal balance. 

The goal is to elevate hormones levels to a range that alleviates symptoms of deficiency, such as low energy, reduced sex drive, and muscle weakness. 

By carefully monitoring and adjusting the dosage, doctors aim to achieve optimal health outcomes while minimizing risks and side effects. This therapy not only addresses the physical symptoms but also supports overall well-being, enhancing the quality of life for those affected by low hormones.

Embarking on tmale hormone therapy involves more than just addressing physical symptoms; it’s about making an informed choice for your health and lifestyle. Gain a clearer understanding of your potential investment with our article detailing the cost of TRT, ensuring you make the most informed decision for your well-being.

An Overview of MHT Benefits

1. Boost in Energy: Initially, the impact of MHT might not be immediately noticeable. However, within three to four weeks, many report a psychological uplift. A noticeable decrease in fatigue, alongside improved sleep quality and overall restfulness, typically emerges after the first month. This newfound energy often motivates increased physical activity, crucial for enhancing life quality.

2. Sharper Mental Focus: Hormones significantly influences cognitive functions such as memory, focus, and reasoning. Low levels can impair these abilities. MHT gradually clears the mental fog, with noticeable enhancements in focus, cognition, and memory appearing within weeks. 

Symptoms of depression and mood fluctuations begin to diminish between three to six weeks, paving the way for improved self-confidence and a clearer mindset.

3. Improved Sexual Health and Libido: Many seek MHT due to reduced sexual drive and erectile dysfunction, closely linked to low hormones levels. MHT has shown to revive sexual desire and performance, with improvements in libido and erectile strength reported as early as three to four weeks into the treatment.

4. Increased Red Blood Cell Production: MHT boosts red blood cell count, enhancing oxygen transport throughout the body. This improvement, noticeable after three months, can alleviate fatigue and stabilize blood pressure, reaching a peak in output around nine to 12 months.

5. Stabilization of Blood Sugar Levels: For those with hypogonadism, MHT can enhance insulin sensitivity, thereby normalizing blood sugar levels. Significant improvements are usually observed after three months, with full benefits accruing over a year.

6. Optimized Energy Storage: MHT corrects lipid metabolism, which is essential for cellular health and energy storage, with noticeable effects after three months. This leads to lower cholesterol levels and a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases.

7. Reduced Inflammation: MHT helps regulate chronic inflammation, associated with various health conditions. Improvements in inflammatory biomarkers can be seen from three weeks to three months of starting treatment.

8. Enhanced Lean Muscle Mass: MHT supports the development of leaner body mass and stronger muscles, with initial improvements visible in the first three months. While the most significant changes occur within the first year, gradual progress can continue over subsequent years.

Normal Range for Testosterone Levels

The results of this test are given in nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). Normal test results show total testosterone levels of: 270 to 1,070 ng/dL for men (depending on age) 15 to 70 ng/dL for women.TRT aims to normalize these levels to alleviate symptoms and promote wellness.

What Happens to hormone Levels with Age?

Some hormone levels generally peak during adolescence and early adulthood. As you age, your hormone level gradually declines — typically about 1% a year after age 30 or 40. For older men, it’s important to determine if a low hormone level is due to normal aging or if it is due to a disease (hypogonadism).

Causes of Low hormone Levels

Hormone production typically starts to decline after age 30 and can decrease further Nonetheless, individuals younger than 30 can also experience low hormone levels.

For men, a condition known as hypogonadism, characterized by the testicles producing minimal or no hormone, can manifest at any stage of life.

Several factors can lead to hypogonadism, including:

  • Testicular injury, trauma, or infection
  • Genetic disorders, such as Klinefelter syndrome
  • Exposure to chemotherapy or radiation treatments for cancer
  • Diseases affecting the pituitary gland or other hormonal imbalances
  • Certain medications, notably opiate pain relievers
  • Alcohol and substance abuse


These conditions highlight the complex factors contributing to low hormone levels, affecting individuals across various ages and circumstances.

Relationship Between ED and Low hormone Levels

Low hormone levels can lead to a range of physical, mental, and sexual health issues. Specifically, in terms of sexual health, low hormones can result in diminished sexual desire, a decrease in sexual erections, and fewer morning erections. 

Research indicates that hormone levels can even influence sexual fantasies and daydreaming, impacting the ability and desire to engage in masturbation due to reduced sexual fantasies.

Hormones can affects erections through two primary mechanisms in the body. Firstly, it stimulates the central nervous system (CNS) to release neurotransmitters such as dopamine, nitric oxide, and oxytocin, which play a key role in achieving an erection. Secondly, it activates spinal nerves to alter blood vessels for maintaining an erection.

While hormones are crucial for sexual desire and the ability to achieve and maintain an erection, it’s not the sole factor influencing sexual activity. The impact of hormones on erectile dysfunction (ED) appears to be dose-dependent, meaning significant sexual changes are more likely when hormone levels are extremely low.

However, it’s critical to recognize that individuals with low hormones often suffer from other chronic conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes, which can also contribute to ED by affecting blood flow and sensation. Unlike these chronic conditions, low hormones uniquely impacts sexual desire more profoundly.

How Can MHTHelp Improve Erectile Function?

MHT can restore sexual function and combat erectile dysfunction by balancing hormone levels, improving libido, and erectile quality.

In men with low hormone production who respond poorly to PDE5 inhibitors alone, male hormone therapy has been reported to improve PDE5 inhibitor efficacy. 

Researchers have shown that MHT in hypogonadal males can enhance erectile function even without the assistance of PDE5 medications. MHT is reasonably safe, and men may benefit from the improved erectile function.

How Long Does It Take for MHT to Start Working?

Hormone injections won’t start to work overnight, and some low hormone symptoms take longer to improve than others. While individual results may vary, the general timeline for hormone injections to work is between 3 weeks and 12 months. This is a pretty wide range because not all the benefits of hormone injections go into effect simultaneously.

Potential Side Effects of MHT

Short-term side effects of male hormone therapy can vary and might include:

  • Acne or an increase in skin oiliness
  • Breast swelling or sensitivity
  • Ankle swelling due to fluid retention
  • Reduced urine flow or frequency
  • Elevated blood cell counts, heightening blood clot risks
  • Exacerbation of sleep apnea or the onset of difficulty breathing during sleep


Many individuals express concern about how MHT might affect their fertility. It’s a valid consideration, and being informed is key to making choices that align with your long-term health and family planning goals. Explore our in-depth discussion on TRT and fertility to understand how male hormone therapy interacts with your reproductive health.

How Much Does MHT Cost?

There are many variables to consider when calculating the monthly cost of hormone therapy, which can make it difficult to budget for a specific amount.

The cost can actually fluctuate on a monthly or weekly basis as your therapist attempts to balance your dosages and concentrations. The involvement of insurance plans may also affect cost, reducing the out-of-pocket price for therapy that your provider deems medically necessary.

  • Injections: Hormone injections are a more budget-friendly option compared to other hormone delivery methods. Prices can vary widely, from about $40 to $400 per month, influenced by the required dosage and how often the injections are administered.
  • Pellets: These small, 3 mm by 9 mm pellets contain crystalline hormone and are inserted under the skin. They offer a prolonged hormone release, spanning three to six months, making them a long-term therapy option. Costs for pellets start at approximately $500, with potential increases based on the dosage needed.
  • Oral Tablets: Available through prescription, oral hormone is an option, though it’s often less favored due to concerns over liver impact. The cost for these tablets ranges from $100 to $300, depending on the dosage and frequency prescribed.
  • Gels and Creams: Applied directly to the skin, hormone gels and creams offer a topical solution and are priced between $200 and $500 monthly, with variations based on the dosage and concentration.
  • Patches: Similar to gels and creams, adhesive patches deliver hormone transdermally and share a comparable cost range of $200 to $500 per month, dependent on dosage and application frequency.
  • Gum and Cheek (Buccal Systems): These patches attach to the gums or inside the cheek and are typically applied twice daily. The monthly cost for buccal systems falls between $200 and $500, echoing the price range of topical and patch options.


As you consider the journey towards hormonal balance, understanding the financial commitment is crucial. For a detailed breakdown of what you can expect to invest in your health, our comprehensive guide on the cost of injections offers valuable insights into managing your budget effectively.

Key Takeaways

  • Restores Hormonal Balance: MHT effectively replenishes hormone levels, addressing a wide spectrum of symptoms from diminished energy and mood swings to decreased muscle mass and sexual dysfunction, laying the foundation for a more vibrant and balanced life.
  • Enhances Quality of Life: By normalizing hormone levels, MHT significantly boosts the overall quality of life, improving physical capabilities, mental sharpness, sexual health, and emotional well-being, thus offering a comprehensive approach to male health rejuvenation.
  • Supports Physical and Mental Health: Beyond its impact on sexual function, MHTcontributes to increased muscle strength, reduced body fat, sharper cognitive functions, and better mood regulation, showcasing its role in holistic health improvement.
  • Tailored Treatment Approaches: With various administration methods available, including injections, pellets, gels, and oral tablets, TRT offers customizable treatment plans designed to meet individual needs and preferences, ensuring optimal outcomes with careful dosage adjustments and monitoring.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Hormone Therapy Promote Youth and Vitality?

Guidelines from the American College of Physicians indicate that hormone therapy might improve sexual function somewhat in some men, but there’s little evidence that it improves other functions, such as vitality and energy.

Does MHT Improve Bone Density?

Many recent studies support the benefit of MHT on BMD, especially in hypogonadal men with osteopenia and osteoporosis, although a few studies failed to demonstrate its effects. However, no evidence supporting the hypothesis that MHT can prevent the incidence of bone fracture exists.

What Age is MHT Recommended?

While most male hormone therapy is prescribed for men over 40, it’s not unusual to see treatments begin as early as one’s 20s. Instead of letting age determine whether you should consider TRT, first take inventory of your physical and mental health.

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